Thursday, April 14, 2011

5K run for Spinal victory - April 10th 2011

"Life is a Journey....not a Destination. There are no mistakes, just chances you've taken, lay down your regrets, because all We have is now."
~India Aire, with a little help from Emerson

At this year’s annual Testaverde 5K Race for Spinal Victory, with over 80 participants, Team JC succeeded in raising nearly $7000 for the Testaverde Foundation for Spinal Cord Injury. We could not have done it without YOUR support and generous donations! Here is a video compilation which beautifully illustrates the joyous, humorous, faith filled, and love saturated moments of race day -- in these images lie the values of Team JC. Believe us when we say YOUR hands, YOUR words,YOUR participation, and YOUR encouragement played such a huge part in every smile, every embrace, and in every foot that crossed the finish line. Faith in Action. Hope in Motion.

With the 5K behind us, our focus is now exclusively on raising money to get JC back to Project Walk. We've come so far. Let's keep going.

New Hopes. New Dreams. New Ways
Keep following our blog for updates on future events.

*Special thanks to Vibin Chowallur for capturing these moments and putting them together so beautifully in this video!

Friday, April 8, 2011


This time a year ago Team JC was gearing up for an event that is very near and dear to all of our hearts: the Testaverde Foundation's 5k RUN.

It was during the preparation for this event that the motto for Team JC was formulated: Faith in Action and Hope In Motion. Ever mindful of the fact that all of what we achieve is driven by our faith. Our faith in God, our faith in miracles, our faith in just rewards, our faith in JC, and our faith in our team - faith in action. The team of us running together, regardless of our age, infirmity, or skill level, is a physical manifestation of our hope - hope in motion.

On the morning of April 18, 2010, 70 of our family and friends ran and walked for one amazing man and for a cause worth fighting for: The Testaverde Foundation for Spinal Cord Injury. Faith in Action, Hope in motion, Team JC. On this day a movement was born. While it is hard to pinpoint the exact seminal beginnings of Team JC with precision, on this day, ALL of the members of Team JC came together in a way we never have before. The old, the young, the moms, the dads, the children, the children of children, friends, and families of friends, united for a single event and with a single purpose: to rally around JC and rally around a great family: the Testaverdes.

Throughout this journey the Testaverde family has often been the compass with which we've navigated through the difficult terrain before us. Always ready to provide resources, equipment, advice, and ideas - our family looks forward to any opportunity where we can show our support, love and appreciation for all that the Testaverdes do for us and families likes us.

This year we hope to do the same. Our team has grown in number, but our purpose remains the same. We hope you can come and be a part of this great event.

The Location: Wantagh High School, Long Island New York

Date: April 10, 2011

Time: 9:00 am!

This year's Team will be lead, as always by our Captain John Kuttiyara, with a squad that is over 80 strong!

The Team includes:

1. Jason Kuttiyara

2. Grace Kuttiyara

3. Jeena Kuttiyara

4. Nidia Valle

5. Barbara Humphrey

6. Jenny Kuttiyara

7. Jimmy Kuttiyara

8. James Kuttiyara

9. Cisily Kuttiyara

10.Vibin Chowallur

11.Jack Chowallur

12.Priya Kuttiyara

13.Michael Joseph

14.Lily Joseph

15. Rosy Joseph

16. Mary Joseph

17. Baby Joseph

18. Shawn Vettom

19. Laila Vettom

20. Tommy Vettom

21. Pushpita Mukherjee

22. Aleykutty Mukherjee

23. Martin Johnson

24. Lekha Martin

25. Mareena Martin

26. Maria Martin

27. Roopak Tom

28. Anil Chacko

29. Cenia Thomas

30. Isa Chacko

31. George Chacko

32. Mary Chacko

33. KP Chacko

34. Aleyamma Puthiyamadam

35. Joseph Puthiyamadam

36. Sino Puthiyamadam

37. Teresa Puthiyamadam

38. Christina Puthiyamadam

39. Mary Puthiyamadam

40. Allie Puthiyamadam

41. Rosie Puthiyamadam

42. Thomas Puthiyamadam

43. Linsy Puthiyamadam

44. Luke Puthiyamadam

45. Julia Puthiyamadam

46. Selena Kochupaul

47 Paul Kochupaul

48. Lijo Kochupaul

49. James Mundadan

50. Catherine Vembenil

51. Louis Vembenil

52. Joseph Bells

53. Benny Bells

54. Siby George

55. Molly George

56. Martin George

57. Kevin George

58. Richard Miller III

59. Thomas Joseph

60. Christian George

61. Nevin George

62. Justin George

63. Annamma George

64. George Varkey

65. Johny Augustine

66. Elsy Augustine

67. Tiffany Kakkanatt

68. Regina Kakkanatt

69. Theresa Cherian

70. Anish Kakkanatt

71. Silvy Mathew

72. Linsey Mathew

73. Joshy Joseph

74. MaryRose Joseph

75. Rachel Joseph

76. Erica Joseph

77. Malini Prashad

78. Balwan Prashad

79. Haresh Prashad

80. Vanessa Prashad

81. Phillip M. Gayle

82. Joby Philip

83. Bobby Thomas

84. Wendy Thomas

85. Sophia Thomas

TEAM JC--Let's Get After It.