Thursday, September 8, 2011

Dear TEAM!
The Videos and some highlights from Night of the Arts have been posted to the blog. Please take time to relive (and enjoy) the performances of the evening. Every performer, every dancer, and every singer that night is a fellow member of Team JC. In fact, most of the performers are JC's own kids, nieces, nephews, and close family friends. That night was a testament of the power of family and the strength of friends. Alas, this truth remains: together, and through the help of Christ no miracle is out of reach.
Thank you all for being part of our lives and for being a supporter of that night. Your donations got JC back to Project Walk for SIX weeks of intense therapy.

Stay tuned for videos and posts about our experience there -- it's a true Testament of God's healing grace.

Faith in Action. Hope in Motion ---let's keep going.